A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Ron Jones
Date: 2018 Oct 13, 09:00 -0700
Dear Antoine
You wrote
"In practice and from your own experience how does your 2nd order regression perform since you seem to be using the (x2) 2nd order coefficient directly derived from the data set and not precomputed from the Observer's (approximate) environment ? (RE: Linear-regression-other-tools-Couëtte-oct-2018-g43055)
In other words, does your 2nd order regression bring a definite practical advantage over the 1st order [linear] one ?"
For a string of sights taken near meridian transit (+/- 10 minutes) the second order regression may provide a better result. For a string of sights taken over a short time before & after meridian transit use the Meridian Transit worksheet which uses second order regression; and calculates the time and sextant altitude associated with meridian transit (see attached PDF)
Ron ..... 48 N 123 W