A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2018 Oct 12, 05:42 -0700
Dear Antoine,
I am not going to extend anything beyond the measured interval, I'm going to interleave the sights (HCij) of each body: take HC11, then HC21, then HC31, then HC12, and so on, if there are three (i=3) bodies to sight. The j-index is the sight number within each body's sequence.
The value of the variable t should always be chosen within the interval between the first sight of the last body and the last sight of the first body, so that there will be NO extrapolations ever.
Please comment.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E
I see no point in taking several sights of the same body and only then to turn for the next one. My feeling is that unless I have to move the index arm significantly - there will be no chance the next sight will have an error of different sign, the error trend will stay along the series. Not enough randomness of error(s) is introduced between the measurements.