A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2018 Oct 20, 12:32 -0700
Dear Antoine,
Here are my calculations for lower latitudes.
Arcturus: SHA=145°3.4'; Dec=19°6'
Deneb: SHA=49°28.'; Dec=45°21.2'
11:00 (at 30°00'N 30°00'E) HC-Arcturus=76°25'34"; HC-Deneb=23°01'46"
11:10 (at 30°02'N 30°02'E) HC-Arcturus=74°54'59"; HC-Deneb=24°44'09"
11:20 (at 30°04'N 30°04'E) HC-Arcturus=73°13'37"; HC-Deneb=26°27'24"
11:30 ???????
11:40 (at 30°08'N 30°08'E) HC-Arcturus=69°29'35"; HC-Deneb=29°56'18"
11:50 (at 30°10'N 30°10'E) HC-Arcturus=67°30'33"; HC-Deneb=31°41'48"
12:00 (at 30°12'N 30°12'E) HC-Arcturus=76°25'34"; HC-Deneb=23°01'46"
QuadReg gives:
Arcturus: -1.851513153·x2 + 31.56890186·x - 46.76559446
Deneb: 0.2234865581·x2 5.297575534·x - 62.28692828
So, at 11:30 interpolated HC-Arcturus=71°24'51"; HC-Deneb=28°11'29", which gives the QTH of 30°09'N 30°03'E.
Whereas the actual QTH was 30°06'N 30°06'E with HC-Arcturus=71°24'26"; HC-Deneb=28°11'29".
Those mere 0°0'25" (twenty-five arcseconds) resulted in a ~4nm position error.
This, as far as I can tell, proves your point - to use the interpolation with causion.
Thank you for your comments!
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E