A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Littlehales and the graphical methods.
From: Annaig Labornez
Date: 2017 Mar 26, 10:40 -0700
From: Annaig Labornez
Date: 2017 Mar 26, 10:40 -0700
I would like to have an overview on the graphical methods used for solving the position triangle.
An early attempt: La Caille (1759) "projet pour rendre les méthodes des longitudes en mer praticables", quoted by Lalande in abgrégé de navigation (1793) mentionned in a previous thread.
The more recent attempts seem to be those of GW Littlehales.
A French book states "On mentionne aussi la solution de G W Littlehales, de l'US hydrographic office, parue en 1917, basée sur le même principe que le diagramme d'Ocagne" Ségéric in
Histoire du point astronomique page 323
Concise but not very informative. I found very little information about; then, yours comments are wellcome