A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2020 Aug 17, 03:38 -0700
The 1966 Bowditch chapter XXI Comparison of Various Methods of Sight Reduction has on page 523 a brief description of Longitude Methods. The first paragraph describes the time sight solution using known latitude or estimate of known latitude then solving the navigational triangle with altitude, declination and latitude to get the meridian angle which when summed with GHA gives longitude. The second short paragraph states that longitude can also be determined by establishing the exact time of meridian transite. This is what equal altitudes determines and could be writen as a separate Wikipedia article. Perhaps a new article titled Longitude Methods is needed to include the many methods and formulae with references and links.
Greg Rudzinski