A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Geoffrey Kolbe
Date: 2015 Dec 1, 13:20 +0000
It has been a December tradition for me to pick up the Nautical Almanac for the next year (and Eldridges for tides, Merry xmas to me,LOL). I Prefer the hardcover for nostalgic reasons of real books, but usually pick up the Blue Softcover Commercial edition, readily available at local haunts like West Marine, Landfall, and Defender.
I noticed prowling Amazon the other day there is a long term Alamanac, hypothetically good till 2050. Which exceeds my probable life span.
I assume that it is an Almanac with corrections, such as we might do if faced with using an expired almanac a year or two old in an emergency.
Am i right?, does this add a step and yet a new place for possible distracted error? is it worth my while? I am kind of fond of the tradition of my New Almanac each year for reasons of emotion not logic.