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    Re: Longhand Sight Reduction
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2014 Jun 9, 23:23 -0700

    I'm not a fan of reduction tables,don't really understand them ,  a bit like filling out tax forms for the revenue or accountant! ( and assumed postions etc). especially Stark's for lunars. Work great, but what is it all about?!

    I like slide rules which will do it and "feel good". My "crash bag also contains a few pages from Reeds Navigation Tables (year 2008) giving the versine method and versine and log cosine tables. This I find just as quick as tables, far more interesting and nearly as quick as my old Fuller 2.( I use a Weir diagram for Az) My new mini Fuller 2 is quicker. The Bygrave the fastest after a calculator (and does Az direct). (crash bag also  has calculator in plastic sandwich bag, just in case!).

    Which edition of Bowditch for these please?



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