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    Re: Longitude by lunars during solar eclipse
    From: Peter Hakel
    Date: 2015 Apr 23, 17:57 +0000

    I am currently on travel, I will look into your question after I get home.

    Peter Hakel

    From: Piero Neuhold <NoReply_Neuhold@fer3.com>
    To: pmh099@yahoo.com
    Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8:36 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Longitude by lunars during solar eclipse

    Hi Frank ,
    actually I used the excel file lunar_distance.xls as mentioned in the attached manual [*], after usual corrections due to T and pressure. My data :
    date = 3/20/2015 , 9h 2' GMT ; T=14° , p = 1021.4 mb ; elevation = 18. m ; sun low-limb ( sextant measurement ) = 38.° . GHA and declination from your nautical almanac . As the moon covered a large upper portion of the sun I assumed a lunar distance ( center to center ) of 1° .
    Since the excel wants far limb or near limb lunar distance I put in input , as near limb , 30' . Anyway I point out that "Easy lunars" ( in your web ) writes "This method is also prone to error when the lunar distance itself is below 15 degrees" .
    Thanks a lot for your helping .
    [*note from FER: the "attached manual" mentioned above was from Peter Hakel's navigation spreadsheets. Since it was irrelevant to this question and also carries a copyright notice, I have removed it]

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