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    Re: Longitude sight, South Pacific, 1864
    From: Sean C
    Date: 2018 May 17, 22:41 -0700


    You asked:

    "if you have it, would you please furnish the date of the time sight; Some of the numbers just don't seem to match up with either the American or or British Almanacs for 1864.- Could be  they did not' have a current edition aboard,"

    If you are referring to the document which Frank started this discussion with (the one on the white paper), he gave the date in his original post as November 9th, 1864.

    If you are referring to the document which Frank and Ed are currently discussing (on the oxidized yellow paper), I believe the date is April 13th 1897. Although the title of this thread still says "South Pacific, 1864", the page is number 47 from the navigation workbook of the Charles W. Morgan for the years 1896 - 1897 and at that time that ship was in the North Atlantic.


    Sean C.



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