A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Longitude, zone time, and local mean time
From: David Fleming
Date: 2018 Oct 29, 13:40 -0700
From: David Fleming
Date: 2018 Oct 29, 13:40 -0700
First off you have the right answer so you must understand it even if it doesn't feel like it.
An alternative way to do what Bruce said'
150 degrees is a zone center and you are 6d 36.8 east of that, therefore a later time.
Look up 6d 36.8m in increments and corrections and you find that for 26m 27sec for a planet ( 15 deg/hr)
therefore time is 23:45 + 00:26:27 or 24:11:27