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    Re: Looking for a book
    From: Peter Hakel
    Date: 2014 Feb 10, 18:26 -0800
    Have you tried your local public library? Mine has been able to find some obscure titles and get them via interlibrary loan.

    Peter Hakel

    From: Alan S <alan202@verizon.net>
    To: pmh099@yahoo.com
    Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 4:36 PM
    Subject: [NavList] Looking for a book

    Celestial Navigation for Dummies. The author is Johan Machtelinckx. Cannot find it anywhere I've looked, Amazon, Abe Books, Alibra, ebay. A Google search brings up a few pages of the title, and reference to onboardintelligence.com.The author's name is also mentioned, no ISBN number indicated
    The Dummies series is published by J. Wiley and Sons.I contacted them and was told that the title has been out of print since 2010, not so long ago.
    Any information on this title appreciated.
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