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    Re: Lost at Sea with a sextant puzzle
    From: David Iwancio
    Date: 2019 Jun 23, 04:50 -0700

    Do you know the date?  Do you have a watch?

    What information is reasonable to have memorized?  For example, Bowditch table 2804, "Simplified Traverse Table?"  Personally I have it (10 numbers) and the "Simplified Refraction Table" (another 10 numbers, in something of a pattern) memorized.  I can use the traverse (i.e. cosine) table to take a stab at the sun's declination and the equation of time.

    Is the paper lined?  A folded sheet can make a straightedge, and lines on the paper can make it a ruler of sorts.  Some more paper-folding could get a pair of triangles.

    Is the paper big enough to trace the arc of the sextant onto, for an impromptu protractor?

    Regardless, if you really do end up in a life raft, you don't want to leave the area to begin with (even if you did have a sail).  You're supposed to stay near where help will start looking for you.  Having entertainment is good, but not if it's the kind that inspires you to get into even more trouble. 

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