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    Re: Lost at sea, but not for long...
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2019 Nov 5, 12:01 -0500
    I've watched Steve1989MREInfo for quite some time.  He's on youTube and critiques military rations.  Watching him eat [American] Civil War hardtack, or 1899-1902 Boer War preserved beef is hard to believe.  The predominant survival ration, which he also eats*, is hard candy.  Lots of WW2 hard candy.  Not only does it preserve rather well, decade over decade, but satisfies thirst and provides energy.  Hard candy should be in every ditch kit.  

    Strangely, she didn't bring her sextant, chronometer or Tables Requisite. Better to have lollipops than a sextant!


    *He will eat just about anything, a real carnival geek (in the old sense of the word).  He's fairly careful about food poisoning though.

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