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    Re: Lunar Calculation Presentation
    From: Geoffrey Kolbe
    Date: 2022 Sep 24, 10:26 -0700

    I have a couple (see image below of one) and they seem to be remarkably accurate. An averaged series of altitude shots of the sun off an AH are generally sub-minute in accuracy.

    For the sake of repetition, Alexander Eremenko, of this list, used a box sextant with great success for lunars. Being light and small, they are very easy to hold at the correct angle for doing lunars. And if you average a series of sights, you can get good accuracy, even without a telescope.

    They come up all the time on ebay, of course. The trick is to buy one that does not come from India, and look one where the the blacking and the varnish is generally in good condition. Also, look for screws that have not been mashed where someone took the thing apart at some point in the last hundred years!


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