A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Antoine Couëtte
Date: 2023 May 12, 21:49 -0700
I just ran yesterday the examples, quoted here-after, by Modris Fersters yesterday ( )
"Here are some examples. Position: 57°N; 26°E; 10°C; 1010mbar
1) Sun-Moon near limbs; 30.04.2023; 16:20:00; Frank’s distance: 120° 28,59'; Paul’s Lunar4.4: 120° 28,77'; Difference: 0,18’. "
My own result : 120°28,74'
"2)Capella-Moon near limb; 03.05.2023; 19:20:00; Frank’s distance: 114° 58,44'; Paul’s Lunar4.4: 114° 58,58'; Difference: 0,14'."
My own result : 114°58,58'
"But on 30.04.2023 Marss, Pollux and Regulus lunar distances differs only 0,01'...0,05' from Paul's Lunar4.4."
Mars, my own result : 52°05,68'
Pollux, my own result : 47°17.53'
Regulus, Own result : 11°16,21'
In spite of having a software slightly less accurate than Paul's, my results fully back up Modris' investigation results.
Hence it might be worth investigating the software behind As clear discrepancies appear only for lunar Distances in excess of 90°, check for :
- Earlier mentioned Interface error about displaying angles superior to 90° . That's the easy case.
- Lunar reduction method actual ability to accurately solve for LD's in excess of 90°. That's a much more uneasy case.
When the Sine function is used, it returns the same value for α and for 90 - α , e.g. sin 85° = sin 95°, altogether with the same drawback if the Asin function is used since in the vicinity of 90° it always returns the smallest angle. This is the one reason for which - except in simple clear cut cases - I avoid the use of the Sine/Cosine and Asin/Acos functions to all the extent possible, highly preferring the use of the P⇾R and R⇾P functions which are absolutely undefeatable and unbeatable over the full 0°- 360° range.
Good luck in your investigations.
[Note from FER: Antoine sent this message yesterday. It was accidentally (automated software) trapped as spam at a top level (which I only check now and then because it almost never traps real messages). I am re-posting with some formatting changes which maybe will reduce its accidental and erroneous "spam score"]