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    Re: Lunars at Cusco, Peru
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2024 Jun 15, 13:39 -0700


    In reply to your request, and with exactly the same starting data as Paul, i.e. :

    10 Jun 2024, UT = 00:03:50, TT = 00:04:59.2, S13°31.4' / W071°55.0' Alt=3,400m T=12°C, QNH=666.3mb I am getting the following topocentric data :


    Refracted h/Az : 46°38.497' / 304.20529°  Unrefracted h : 46°37.900'  Refraction : -0.597'

    Moon UL

    Refracted h/Az : 18°03.902' / 301.82810°  Unrefracted h : 18°01.977' Refraction  -1.925'

    Moon LL

    Refracted h/Az : 17°33.333' / 301.82810°  Unrefracted h : 17°31.349' Refraction :  -1.984' and Augmented SD : 15.314'

    Refracted Distance : 29°09.170' Far Limb, Unrefracted Distance : 29°10.155' Far Limb.  Effect of Refraction: decrease LD by 0.985'

    Lunar Time sight computed at 0h02m05,4s to be compared to Paul Hirose's " Solution to the "lunar time sight" is 00:02:05 UTC ".

    As a last note, assuming that Paul's ephemeris are "perfect" and since my computed Moon ephemeris data have a [long time checked] maximum "error" of up to 5 arcseconds (4 sigma), it is pure luck that my own data match Paul's results so well this time.


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