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    Lunars check and index error assessment
    From: David McN
    Date: 2023 Aug 23, 15:52 -0700

    Finally we have clear skies in Melbourne giving me the opportunity to test my LD measurements using Frank's on line analyser. First to an interpretation check.  The app calls for the entry of position, time, body, lunar distance, near or far. For the distance, I assume that is the measured distance after correction for index error, but no other adjustments. The app adjusts for semi diameter, refraction and parallax to report the cleared LD in the middle of the form. It compares this to the calculated correct LD to determine the error. Are my assumptions right? I have attached a screenshot of my measurement to Antares.

    Second, small differences in assessed index error make substantial differences to the LD error. I measured IE error by overlaying a star on itself which gave me 1'.5 On. When I assess IE by measuring the sun edge to edge then flipping edges to get the mean, I came up with 2'.6 On. Do NavList users have a preferred reliable method?

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