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    Lunars workshop this weekend
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 May 30, 09:51 -0700

    Sorry to abuse NavList communications like this, but I'm having trouble reaching one attendee for my Lunars workshop, so I'm dropping the details in here as a NavList message.

    [For those attending...] ...my "Lunars" workshop this weekend, June 1-2, at Mystic Seaport Museum. You can review the complete description here: https://www.reednavigation.com/.

    Class runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm both days. We will meet Saturday morning directly in front of the Treworgy Planetarium at Mystic Seaport, near the "armillary sphere" sundial (see the "Sundials" book cover image below --that's it!). I recommend you park in the North parking lot at Mystic Seaport. You'll be only 500 feet from the planetarium. The entrance to this parking lot is across the street from the "Thompson Exhibition Building" at the museum. Park in the far southwest corner of the lot near the road and then walk right across the street there. Skip the main entrances of the museum. You can enter the museum grounds via the staff entrance at 75 Greenmanville. Just come right through where it says "staff only" --it's no problem. The planetarium is the first building directly behind 75 Greenmanville. I'm attaching a little map.

    PLEASE NOTE: Our actual meeting location (classroom or other meeting room) is still to be determined. We may be in the Susan Howell Classroom, or we may be at another location. That's why we're gathering outside the planetarium at the start on Saturday. It's a small group, likely just four of you. :) [update: location now determined, but we will still meet at the armillary sphere].

    Please bring a notepad and pen or pencil. Also, for those of us "of the right age," bring reading glasses. There are some tables of numbers you'll need to read with a fair amount of fine print. :) You will also want a basic scientific calculator. I recommend the Casio fx260 Solar II, which is available for $10 or so at Walmart, Staples, etc. I will have a few spares on Saturday if you can't get one before the workshop.

    Weather for the weekend looks fair, maybe some clouds later in the day. We will try to do practice Sun and Moon sights on Saturday so please plan on a quick snack Saturday instead of a full lunch break. If Saturday doesn't work for sights, we can try again on Sunday. Temperatures are forecast to be comfortable, around 73°F, both days. Not bad, right?

    Thanks!! See you Saturday morning. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions [...] Frank@ReedNavigation.com.

    Frank Reed
    Clockwork Mapping / ReedNavigation.com
    Conanicut Island USA



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