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    Re: MPP by Two Parameter Fit
    From: Robin Stuart
    Date: 2015 Mar 7, 12:34 -0800

    At Antoine/Kermit’s request I have repeated the calculation of g30535 on set #2 of sights he gives in his post g30478.  The results are more or less as anticipated. For Kermit’s sights the 3 parameter fit produces an estimate position (EP) that is over 20nm from the actual one and hence the I.E. needs to be correspondingly large before the 3 parameter fit, MPP3, beats MPP2.

    It should be noted that the azimuth’s in this set of sights all fall within a narrow range of only 45°. This is far from ideal and means that the EP is very sensitive to small changes in the intercepts. This is a significant factor in why the 3 parameter fit performs poorly in this case. For reference I have plotted the sights and some contours of the probability density function,

    Robin Stuart



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