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    Re: MapQuest and Google Maps geographic coordinates
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2021 May 12, 13:08 -0700

    Mike Burkes you wrote: Hi folks, how are geographic coordinates obtained from a MapQuest and Google Maps street address? Sometimes they do or do not show up in the browser bar. Thanks much. 

    Sincerely Mike Burkes 

    Place the fickle finger of fate over the tip of the pin and right click your mouse.  Lat & long is top of the list.  North and east are positive; south and west are negative.  It'll be in degrees and decimals of a degree.  To get the minutes, multiply the figures to the right of the decimal place by 60.  

    You learn something new everyday; I had no idea you could type an address directly into Google Maps.  I suppose many people these days have no idea what lat & long is.  DaveP  

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