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    Re: Mark 15 sextants
    From: Michael Bradley
    Date: 2019 Mar 1, 00:58 -0800


    Back in Oct 2018 you wrote

    'I have restored filters on four different EBBCo's with success using solar film and layered post optomitrist exam sunglasses. It is easy to pop the plastic filter retainer ring out then cut to fit the film using the original filter as a template. Pop the plastic ring back in over the solar film and you are good to go with bright sunlight.'

    What repeatabilty did you get out of the restored Ebbcos?

    The copy I have shows systematic errors of up to 6', down to prismatic defects in the shades.

    IE on a star 0.0' - no shades

    Swap around the heavy index shade and the heavy horizon shade on sun sights and the average difference between sights is 6'

    Michael Bradley 

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