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    Mark III plastic sextant
    From: S. Velasquez
    Date: 2020 Jun 6, 14:07 -0700

    A friend who sought to encourage my writing project bought me a sextant a few years ago. It is one of those solid plastic "Mark III" sextants manufactured by Davis Instrument Corp. I understand clearly that it is a sextant for education and nobody would employ one like this for honest navigation. Even though this is the case, I would like to learn how to adjust it to give me the best possible observational data of the Sun and maybe the planets. It is not set up like sextants in the textbooks. There are no adjustment points on the horizon mirror. There are two adjustment screws on the index mirror. How should it be adjusted? How may I test it? Thank you.  ... ..._ ... ..._ ~/) S/V S.V.


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