A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2019 May 24, 12:47 -0700
'I will like you to clear for me the meaning of "IMHO"'
Jean. IMHO means 'In my humble opinion', What does OEM stand for? Lets be clear here about the difference between 'average' and your 'Averager'.. Average is adding up several observations of the same star and dividing by the number of observations. Your Averager is the big black drum full of clockwork on the front of your MkIXA. I thought that initially you were talking about average. Now I'm not sure. Your MkIXA averager should run for around two minutes of time, but you don't need to use it in a static situation (altough you do need to wind it up to see the bubble at night). It's only there to deal with acceleration errors encountered by a moving aeroplane, but it's a pain on the ground because every observation takes two minutes. To deal with any averager error you just start your two minute observation a couple of seconds early or late as required.
Out of interest, does your MkIXA case have a silvery label marked Pheonix Engineering Products Ltd, Toronto on the front. My MkIXA 14201/43, which I bought from Canada, does. DaveP