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    Re: Memories of Non-Directional Beacons
    From: John D. Howard
    Date: 2015 Jul 19, 14:37 -0700


    I, for one have fond memories of NDBs.  Flying in the '70s and '80s they were vital in remote locations.  As I mentioned in a previous post flying into small airports in Africa, S. American, remote islands in the Atlantic & Pacific a NDB was all you had.

    The best use I rember was at Darwin, Astraluia - a typhoon hit Darwin and wiped out everything.  The first thing up and running was a low powered beacon using electricity from a truck genorator.  We flew from Clark AB, PI and had to use cel nav.  When we got close the ADF locked on and we followed it in.  Luckly the weather was not too bad when we arrived but neverless I learned to apreciate the lowley NDB.

    John H.

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