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    Meteor Storm in two days
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2019 Nov 19, 16:40 -0800

    There is a good chance of a brief meteor storm beginning around 11:30 EST (US Eastern Time) on Thursday night equivalent to 0430 UT on Friday Nov. 22. Details here:

    The author/blogger, Bob King, added my map to the article this afternoon. The map, of course, is based on good old-fashioned celestial navigation principles. Since the radiant is at the zenith above the equator near longitude 15°W at mid-storm, then along longitude 105°W the radiant will be on the horizon for all latitudes at that time. That's just a 90° altitude circle of position (half of it) centered on the sub-radiant point.

    For the northeastern US, the forecast called for overcast. Optimistically, two days is plenty of time for an improvement.

    Frank Reed

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