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    Re: Mirror adjustment tools
    From: Hien Thanh Nguyen
    Date: 2017 Oct 12, 15:40 -0400
    Hi Ridge,

    I was finally able to remove the mirror adjustment sockets from the horizon mirror frame.

    However, it doesn't matter how much liquid wrench or wd40 I applied to the socket, or the amount of heat with my heat gun, I wasn't able to move the screw inside the socket. So if you have another socket then I would just buy it from you. Else I think I will just drill out the screw and replace it with another.


    On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:48 AM, Hien Thanh Nguyen <NoReply_Nguyen@fer3.com> wrote:
    Hi Ridge,

    I need two mirrror adjusting tools only. Over the weekend I visited my friend who has a CPlath mirror adjustment tool. I was able to use it to adjust the index mirror. However I could not use it to adjust the horizon mirror. The reason was that the square head nut on the horizon mirror sunk a little too deep so that the tool wasn't able to grab it. Did you ever run into a problem like this before?

    Here is some pictures of the mirror tool that my friend has.


    On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Ridge White <NoReply_RidgeWhite@fer3.com> wrote:
    I am away until Wed. Oct. 12th and will get back to you shortly after that. Is it only an adjusting tool you need, or new mirrors also?
    Ridge White

    Sent from my iPhone

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