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    Re: Moby Dick Tales
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2019 Jan 11, 12:25 -0800

    Re lower deck navigators, if you’re ever lucky enough to find yourself in Glasgow and walk westwards along the northern shore of the Clyde you’ll come across the steel-hulled three-masted barque Glenlee, built in 1896 for Glasgow owners to trade as a cargo ship. She is now a museum ship at the Riverside Museum on Pointhouse Quay known as The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour.  If you look very carefully at one of the ancient photographs of her former crews on one of the bulkheads, you’ll see amongst the foredeck hands one Freddie Noonan subsequently maritime and air navigator and eventually navigator to Amelia Earhart.  What it doesn’t tell us unfortunately is how much interest he was showing in navigation at this early stage of his career is. DaveP

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