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    Re: Modern Celestial at Mystic Seaport, May 18-19
    From: Christopher Willmes
    Date: 2019 May 15, 04:58 -0700

    Frank - I tried it out, and it worked for me. But it is a bit clunky. Entering my e-mail address was required on two separate pages, for no apparent reason. And the editing rules for entering telephone numbers are different in the two places where telephone numbers are required, i.e., my own, and that of an emergency contact. The former allowed entering the number as (999) 999-9999, and the latter required 9999999999. The number of tickets required had to be entered twice. I question the need to enter a date of birth; if there is an age requirement for some of the programmes on offer, then a simple tick-in-the-box to certify that user meets the age requirement should suffice. I don't like that the process forces the user to create an account. There should be an option to complete the registration process as a guest. I would expect that that some sort of receipt is generated by the process, so that if need be, the user can change or delete their order some time later, without having to log in to an account. Not everyone who registers at an event at the museum will be a repeat customer, so why clutter up this system with accounts that are used just once? 

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