A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Modern Lunars
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2016 Sep 19, 23:12 -0700
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2016 Sep 19, 23:12 -0700
Antoine's Lunar #2 is even more difficult than the "difficult lunars" I re-computed from Chauvenet. Unrefracted center altitude of the Sun is only 4.6°. I'm sure no navigator would shoot such a lunar except in an emergency. Below is some of the pre-solution and post-solution output from my program. Generally, my angles are virtually perfect (within .0001° of his document), except the Sun altitude and the separation angle. My time solution is 8 seconds different. Time and position were adjusted so the calculated angles are equal to the observed angles. It required 9 iterations to converge to .0001° accuracy. That's an exceptionally large number. Normally it would require only about 5 iterations even with one hour error in initial time and 10 degrees error in latitude and longitude! Possibly my algorithm is not very robust in such unfavorable conditions. Lunars #3 and #4 appear much less sensitive to refraction, but I haven't worked them yet. initial time: 1855-09-07T08:04:52.32 UT1 1855-09-07T08:05:00.00 TT (Gregorian) 2398833.5 + 0.336806 = TT Julian date +0m07.68s delta T initial coordinates: +30.1108° -30.0000° north lat, east lon 0.0 meters (0 feet) above ellipsoid 23.9 C (75.0 F) at observer 985.4 mb (29.10″ Hg) altimeter setting 985.4 mb (29.10″ Hg) station pressure 50.0% relative humidity Moon: 0.0000° dip 48.8735° apparent lower limb altitude 0.0131° refraction -0.2493° unrefracted semidiameter 49.1098° unrefracted altitude of center 49.1099° predicted altitude -0.0001° intercept 85.4227° predicted azimuth Sun: 0.0000° dip 4.4956° apparent lower limb altitude 0.1652° refraction -0.2646° unrefracted semidiameter 4.5950° unrefracted altitude of center 4.5938° predicted altitude 0.0012° intercept 85.4223° predicted azimuth predicted Moon to Sun angle: 44.5161° center to center, unrefracted 0.1452° refraction 44.3709° center to center, refracted 0.2492° Moon near limb refracted SD 0.2580° Sun near limb refracted SD 43.8628° observed angle 43.8637° computed Moon to Sun -0.0009° observed - computed -------------------- Solution, after 9 iterations. corrected time: 1855-09-07T08:04:59.98 UT1 1855-09-07T08:05:07.66 TT (Gregorian) geocentric separation angle: 45.1044° center to center