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    Re: MonViso, Lady Moon again with a Basilica Nav Puzzle
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2024 Jun 17, 01:00 -0700

    Hello to all,

    (1) - Regarding the Photographer's position finding, and as just recently indicated, "As for me this fully concludes this topic".

    You will nonetheless find here-enclosed the corrected version "240614b" of the previous attachment where the link to the historical weather sitehttps://weatherspark.com/ ) is now working properly.

    This is important as this site in particular insists on being adequately referenced.

    (2) - Nonetheless and for the record, our initial post published on Feb 28th, 2024 was soon after enriched with an additional related puzzle published on Mar 24, 2024 in its last part (3) which has not raised attention:


    When can such scenario happen again ? It should be fairly simple to determine a good method for a quick search in Tables listing Moon Greenwich Hour Angle, Declination and Horizontal Parallax, e.g. the Nautical Almanac.

    Any Taker here ? "

    I have not devoted much time yet on this second related puzzle. Its main interest is understanding how the important Moon Parallax might be a contributing factor (a disturbing if not a nasty one ?) in addition to the obvious and paramount declination influence here. All relevant ground related data are given in the current enclosure.

    (3) - Obviously Stellarium or similar software can greatly help solving both puzzles, which would have led to a much shorter thread for the first one.

    But for some of us it is lacking the computational magic of looking under the hood.


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