A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2021 May 14, 01:18 -0700
I did it!
We came to my favourite spot (the 60°N;30°E) when the Sun was still at ~6° above the horizon. It took me almost an hour to find the Moon. The screscent was very thin, I never saw such a "young" Moon before.
Since then I tracked the Moon with a binocular on a tripod, trying to see the Mercury and Venus.
I could see the Mercury (with my binocular, not by naked eye, alas!) only after the sunset - when it got a bit darker. The Venus was very low by then - almost at ~2°.
I'm happy, - the Mercury was the last planet from the ancient list of the celestial objects I did not consciously see - comprehending what I was looking at. Several years ago I first saw the Saturn in a similar way - it was near the Moon too.
I think the next date to see the Mercury will be in the beginning of September (2021), when it will be at its' aphelion AND at its' large(st) elongation simultaneously.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E