A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Moon observation near zenith
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2019 Oct 22, 12:06 -0700
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2019 Oct 22, 12:06 -0700
On 2019-10-19 4:46, David Iwancio wrote: > To see this play out in the NA table, consider what happens when the altitude of the center of the moon is 90°. Another interesting case has the center and illuminated limb on opposite sides of the zenith. For example, time is 2019 October 3 0h UT1. Position 18°32.0' S 125°45.0' W (not far from Pitcairn Island). The Sun is about 30° high in the west and the Moon nearly at the zenith in the east. For an altitude observation my Lunar 4.4 program recommends the Moon upper limb, but its predicted limb altitude is peculiar: 89°56.0' unrefracted center altitude 16.1' unrefracted semidiameter -0.0' refraction 90°12.2' apparent upper limb altitude Oops. That happens because the program adds unrefracted Moon semidiameter to unrefracted center altitude. That gives the unrefracted altitude of the upper limb, to which it adds refraction. But in this freakish case the calculation fails. Well, actually the altitude is correct for a backsight. Even the refraction is correct, though too small to see at tenth minute precision. A fortuitous quirk in my refraction model causes supplementary angles to yield identical magnitudes but opposite signs. Thus refraction decreases a backsight altitude, as it should. The apparent wrong sum in the rightmost column is actually correct. For display, each angle is rounded to the nearest tenth minute (or whatever precision you select). However, the program calculates with unrounded values. In this case, the minutes sum is about 12.16, which rounds up to 12.2. The bogus upper limb recommendation is also easily explained. In horizontal coordinates, the position angle from Moon center to Sun center is 357.2° (almost exactly toward the zenith). If the angle is in the 90° - 0 - 270° semicircle the light is from above and the upper limb is appropriate according to the logic of the program. There isn't much value in that calculation when the Moon is so close to the zenith because the correct limb is very sensitive to the observer's position. In fact, even if the shot is theoretically possible, I don't know if it's practical. How do you "swing" the Moon when the zenith is inside its limb? But it's a moot point. By the time I figured it out, the Moon would be past the zenith. Nevertheless, let's see if Lunar 4.4 can solve for time. Intentionally inject a full hour error in estimated time and several degrees error in estimated position. 2019 Oct 3 0100 UT1 at 15 S 130 W 90°12.2' Mon UL 22°30.9' Sun LL 57°01.6' lunar distance, near to near The solution is Oct 02 23:59:56.8, only 3.2 seconds off. Strangely, if the Moon altitude observation is converted to the equivalent 89°47.8' LL the program fails to converge on a solution.