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    Re: Moon standstill livestream from Los Angeles
    From: Bill Ritchie
    Date: 2024 Jul 19, 15:15 -0700

    I calculate the Moon's most Southerly Declination this cycle was S28° 25.01'. It occured today (July 19th) at 11.00 UT. There's no point in being more precise because she was "at a standstill". Her most Northerly Declination will be slightly greater, at N28° 28.15', on August 1st at 05.42 UT.

    Near midway between these, on July 25th, she will have zero declination at 17.21.19 UT, but a massive declination change of 17.20'/hour. The following night is not a good time to be using her for a Meridian Passage sight! 

    Bill Ritchie

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