A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2021 Feb 23, 08:58 -0800
I managed to catch the Moon and Sun visible at the same moment whilst out walking (sans sextant) yesterday afternoon. I tried the arm swing trick and it works for me. I'm still not totally happy about why the perpendicular bisector of the horns is tweeked up. If my eye is at the centre of a flat segment of a disc with the Moon and the Sun on the circumference, I ought to be seeing only a straight line, but no matter how much I twisted my head and back to get into plane, I couldn't not see the tweak up. I can imagine the great circle if I just consider the projection of the Sun and Moon onto the celestial sphere, but they're inside the celestial sphere are they not, and airliner condensation trails don't normally appear curved. Maybe it's a case of "Well son, there are times when a guy's got to accept what a guy's got to accept". DaveP