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    Re: Moving Navigator LAN: Culmination to Meridian Passage fully solved
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2024 Jan 9, 11:58 -0800

    Thanks Andrés for this article.

    So ... our so called "Wilson Formula" was published even much earlier than I thought, i.e. in the second part of the 19th Century instead of around 1935 or so.

    As also earlier noticed in NavList, with its initialy published and tabulated "15.27" coefficient (matching "48/Pi") it is usable only for actual dLHA/dUT = 15°/h or very close to such value.

    M. Don Sadler of the UK Nautical Almanach also earlier made a good point about recommending the use of a 2nd power of Time approximation to "Ho Culm - Ho Mer.Pass." instead of assuming that both Ho's are identical as a 1st power of Time approximation would imply.

    Best Regards,


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