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    My "Office Hours" sessions, schedule change
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2020 Oct 20, 10:26 -0700

    I have been hosting online meetings for NavList members as well as my workshop students and other navigation enthusiasts on Sundays. Since I need Saturday and Sunday afternoons for workshops moving forward, I'm going to switch the early session to Friday. There will still be a later session on Sunday at the usual time. I realize that this may be less convenient for some of you, and I apologize in advance for that. I haven't decided whether to change hours after the switch back to standard time (which occurs this year Oct 31/Nov 1 in the USA and Canada and Oct 24/25 in the UK and EU --those are the only cases I looked up!). I will post individual announcements for the next few weeks to make sure there's no confusion.

    As always, you can find links to join the meetings at

    Frank Reed

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