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    Re: My first Sun/Moon fix for at least 45 years (if ever)
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Nov 24, 18:21 -0800

    Nice. All that Moon talk finally got to you, eh? From your chartlet plot, it looks like the distance from your fix to your actual (DR) position is about two miles. Is that about right? Maybe you wrote that up somewhere --the final fix accuracy, and I missed it.

    A Sun-Moon fix is considered mildly exotic, of course, as a two-body fix in daylight. But not exotic enough... Set your alarm for a two-body fix with the Sun shining ...but no Sun sight at all. Try for 6 Feb 2025 around 15:00 UT. Venus will reach the meridian near that time, brilliant and not difficult to find in the middle of the day, due south and perfect for a simple latitude sight. Meanwhile, on that date, the Moon will be close to due east when Venus is on the meridian. What could be better?

    I have a follow-up post designed to be a setup for you to tell us more about the "star" of this most recent post. :) Stay tuned...

    Frank Reed

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