A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2019 Jun 10, 08:56 -0700
I wrote that essay fifteen years ago, and at that time it seemed important to emphasize to navigation hobbyists that they could use the books and tools that they accustomed to using, including the correction tables in the Nautical Almanac. I don't think this is necessary anymore with the huge increase in quantity and in utilization of online and other digital ressources since then. In other words, just calculate those corrections.
Of course it's always nice to have a copy of the permanent tables from the Nautical Almanac. You can get the 1981 "Training" edition here: There is also a copy from 1994: which has a few unfortunate blacked-out spots in the correction tables, but has the advantage of including the pages on computation which were added in the late 1980s.
Frank Reed