A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: G Becker
Date: 2013 Oct 23, 11:45 -0400
Even if your PC is in perfect order…. The digital maps are highly prone to the good ol’ “I forgot to click save before lunch break error”… reference : http://breakingdefense.com/2013/07/untold-tale-behind-uss-guardian-reef-grounding-flawed-nga-map-data/ This is an old unsolvable problem in the digital drafting world. Using auto-save can record unwanted changes, and not using auto-save will not save changes you remember doing.... At least with lithography, they are recorded in stone.
-----Original Message-----
From: NavList@fer3.com
[mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Richard
B. Langley
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
10:57 AM
To: george@gwbeckerpls.com
Subject: [NavList] Fwd: Richard:
NOAA Gives the 'Heave-Ho' to Paper Maps - Why the Switch to Digital Makes Sense
- Resource Available
No more paper charts? And if your PC freezes up?
-- Richard Langley
Begin forwarded message:
From: Christine Simmons <christines{at}lfpr.com>
Date: October 23, 2013 11:47:30 AM ADT
To: <lang{at}unb.ca>
Subject: Richard: NOAA Gives the 'Heave-Ho' to Paper Maps - Why the Switch to Digital Makes Sense - Resource Available
Reply-To: <christines{at}lfpr.com>
Hi Richard,
Following the path of books and music which are moving to a digital model, paper maps are getting the "heave-ho" from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as the organization sails into a digital world.
As early as April 2014, NOAA will discontinue printing its lithographic nautical charts in favor of its increasingly popular digital versions, saving the organization millions of dollars in printing and updating.
With both novice and more
experienced mariners having access to technology that can provide accurate
readings in a store-bought hand-held device, maps are experiencing a type of
"geospatial evolution." If you are interested in how today's mariners
are accessing these types of maps, I’d like to setup a call with Ted Florence, president Avenza
Systems who already works with the NOAA on creating a working geo-referenced
digital map for use on hand-held devices --more than 2,100 NOAA maps at this
point. He can also share how the popularity of digital
maps has grown with consumers as well as how traditional map publishers are
dealing with the change from the paper world to a digital one.
Let me know what you’d like
to do!
Christine Simmons
For Avenza
t: 949-502-6200 ext. 320
| Richard B. Langley E-mail: lang{at}unb.ca |
| Geodetic Research Laboratory Web: http://gge.unb.ca/ |
| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Phone: +1 506 453-5142 |
| University of New Brunswick Fax: +1 506 453-4943 |
| Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3 |
| Fredericton? Where's that? See: http://www.fredericton.ca/ |
: http://fer3.com/arc/m2.aspx?i=125365