A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bruce J. Pennino
Date: 2014 Dec 30, 09:12 -0500
I can easily understand how burn-out can happen. Thankfully, I'm not prone to it. I think this is because of how I view/use NavList and other forums I visit. I'm not highly educated, nor well heeled. Therefore, I seek out a free education from those who are kind enough to offer it. And, on the rare occasion that I have something genuinely helpful to offer, I gladly do so in the interest of 'paying forward' the kindness shown to me (and the general betterment of society). But I also find real joy in sharing what knowledge I have gained over the years. I often think that I should have been a teacher. In fact, for some time I've been considering asking the local Mariner's Museum if they'd like a volunteer guide/teacher of basic celestial. Anyway, for me, NavList functions less as a forum for discussion, and more as a classroom. Now, if I were vastly more knowledgeable concerning celestial navigation, perhaps I would find some of these discussions...mundane (for lack of a better word). I'm just ever-so-grateful that the current membership has not yet burned-out. :)
Another factor preventing any short-term burn-out on my part is that I am unable to sit in front of my computer for extended periods. I don't know if it's some form of ADD or something else, but after an hour or so, I am compelled to get up and do something else, even if only for a few minutes. This habit, I believe, is quite healthy and contributes to my continued enjoyment of said forums. Not to mention the fact that I am the sole member of my extended family who does not need eyeglasses. [knocks on wood] There's a lot to be said for taking short breaks now and then, even if it's for a few days.
Anyway, I'd like to say "thank you" to anyone and everyone who has helped me (or anyone else, for that matter) here on NavList. Please take some time out for yourselves so that you can continue to help people like me learn more about the world around them. It really is a priceless gift that keeps giving. Thanks!
-Sean C