A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2021 May 14, 23:46 -0700
Alan S you wrote: I've used computers for a number of years, never till recently coming upon "cookies" in so far as I recall. Seems nowadays cookies are everywhere, and needful, I wonder why. In any event, how do they benefit the end user, myself for instance. In no way would I claim to be a "computer mechanic". I do find myself curious. Thanks in advance for any clarification.
Certainly in the EU & UK, websites using cookies are required to tell you they're using them and give you the opportunity to manage them. They're keen to point out the advantages and reluctant to point out the disadvantages. All you need do is go onto your browser, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and ask "What is a cookie", and there'll be lots of sites that'll tell you. I selected this one, which seems as good as any without introducing too many new words which I also wasn'y sure the meaning of. https://www.howtogeek.com/119458/htg-explains-whats-a-browser-cookie/ .