A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Bill Ritchie
Date: 2022 Aug 27, 15:15 -0700
I initially used three transits but I thought this fell within Frank's caution of ‘cheating’, so after much head scratching I used the ‘hinted’ single transit from ESB through ‘Luna’ supplemented with a distance derived from pixels and Google lat/longs.
I chose a third point, the near left corner of 601 Lexington (sloping roof) and measured the pixels from ESB, thus obtaining an angle 2.078°. I used the Google lat/longs to calculate the distance between them (0.898nm) and an angle from the transit of 48° 49.7’. The Sine of this angle makes the ‘apparent’ distance 0.676nm. Such distance subtends that 2.078° at 18.64nm, which is about 150m S of my three transit position. As with “A flag flying visit”, I attach annotated images. (The right transit uses the near right corner of 601 Lex.)
Alas my result does not accord with the second clue … the nearest steeple is 4.2nm further due South.
Like Antoine, I have seen magnificent views of the NY skyline from the air, but by far my best was during the left turn after a night take off from EWR 22R. (B767-236)
Bill Ritchie