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    Re: Navigate to this island
    From: James F Campbell
    Date: 2020 Mar 19, 16:20 -0400

    J. Campbell

    On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:03 PM Frank Reed <NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com> wrote:

    We are looking at the quietest month of March for NavList (in terms of total message traffic) since 2002. This, of course, is a symptom of the stasis that is over-taking global society. It's not just that people are staying home. They are hunkering down and doing nothing. I've got a few marginal topics that might provide some navigation-related entertainment for us all. Here's one.

    The attached photo was apparently taken by a smartphone camera aboard a Chinese "cubesat". It's really just advertising for the smartphone manufacturer so I won't bother you with the name of the manufacturer. But there's something distinctly funny about the photo. Can you see it? First, can you identify the islands?? As a hint, one of these is a "Hindu" island in the middle of the world's biggest muslim nation (largest by population). What island? Next compare with a map. Can you see what's wrong?

    Frank Reed


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