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    Re: Navigation Library for sale (K Gebhart)
    From: Sean C
    Date: 2019 May 16, 18:09 -0700

    Ken Gebhart wrote:

    "If the buyer wishes to ID himself that's up to him."

    If anyone is curious, I'm the buyer. Incidentally, I also won Frank's auctions for Inman's Navigation and the Tables Requisite. Seems my library is growing at an exponential rate! :) Now I'm probably going to need to buy yet another bookshelf.

    I only spotted one title in Ken's lot that I already own - Bowditch 2002 ed. Many of the other titles I have wanted to purchase, but haven't - for one reason or another. So, for me, this is a fantastic deal. The "book gods" have been smiling upon me, lately. [Sorry, Frank ;)]

    You all will have to forgive me if I don't post very much in the near future. I'll have a lot of reading to do!


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