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    Re: Navigation interview among the whales
    From: Jackson McDonald
    Date: 2014 Jul 13, 20:25 +0000
    Well done, Frank!

    From: NoReply_FrankReed@fer3.com
    To: jacksonmcdonald@hotmail.com
    Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:36:14 -0700
    Subject: [NavList] Navigation interview among the whales

    The team from NOAA's "OceansLive" have posted their video from Friday's sailing day aboard the Charles W. Morgan:
    You can find me around 14 minutes into the video talking about basics of celestial navigation. I shot lots of Sun altitudes for the cameras and also did some lunars and other experiments and demos on my voyage leg. I won't try to detail everything here. If you want to follow along, please feel free to read my posts on the 38Talk message boards. You should find that those message boards are eerily familiar. And don't be afraid to comment.

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    (Stellwagen-whaleboat-wow.jpg: Open and save)

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    (Stell1-Flukes-Morgan-Port-Bow-MS.jpg: Open and save)

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    (Stell-day-1-whale-to-port.jpg: Open and save)

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    (Stell-day-1-sails.jpg: Open and save)

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    (Stell-day-1-interviews.jpg: Open and save)

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