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    Re: Navigation - a state of mind?
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2016 Jun 4, 14:06 -0700

    Years aqo my army unit was flown from Santa Barbara CA to Ft. Lewis WA for some training including a compass course. We were sent out each of us with an azimuth and distance to take us to a marker where we would record its number and find additional instructions to the next mark. Well, it was raining (DUH, the Pacific Northwest) and I had forgotten my rain gear but it was in the 50's so was not uncomfortable even after i was soaking wet. I found the first few marks and then got confused, i wondered around and actually bumped into a deer (actually into the deer that didn't hear me coming due to the rain). I eventually found my way back to the bus in the assembly area but only after everyone else and they had been concerned about me. I had been suffereing from hypothermia which had addled my brain and I shivered while wrapped in blankets for the hours flight back home on a C-140. That made a believer out of me about the danger of  hypothermia.


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