A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David C
Date: 2021 May 27, 21:46 -0700
This was the first and only eclipse of any sort I have seen. What is exciting me is that the shadow was not created by humans or extra-terestials but by the planet I am on moving through space! I have not seen a transit of venus. It is unclear if the 2125 transit will be visible from NZ and I doubt I will be interested in the transit in 2247.
I lined the camera up with the house roof - I was using the house to block a street light.
The last time I tried to take a photo of the moon I was not successful so I googled "how to photograph the moon" and was told f11, 11th sec 100 iso and manual focus. It worked!
I photograped my wristwatch and determined that the camera time is 1 hour 7 minute fast. The exif time for the photo is 2307 so the photo was taken at 2200 local time i.e. 1000 UT which is close to your estimated time.
Full eclipse was at 2311 local time. Most people had turned their house lights off and gone to bed. Although there was still pollution from street lights I saw many more stars than I have seen for years. I suspect that if I had tried I could have identified most of the southern hemisphere navigational stars. I saw a very faint white haze crossing the sky that may have been the milky way. Maybe I can now justify buying a bubble sextant - I can plan my sights for after 2300 local time.