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    Re: Neat video about LEM stellar alignment scope
    From: Robert Eno
    Date: 2016 Jun 7, 19:13 -0600

    I still consider the Apollo Program to be the pinnacle of human achievement. While it was an American program, as a Canadian, I still felt a sense of accomplishment; a sense of “we did it” because it was a charter member of the Anglosphere (yes, I am being culturally arrogant) that pulled this off; admittedly with a lot of help from German rocket scientists.


    What is sad is that we have not left our planet’s orbit since 1972. The once great NASA is cadging rides from other nations. The number of humans that have set foot on another world is dwindling fast and within a decade there will be none alive. We should have kept going but the whole damn thing seemed to grind to a halt. I know it is heresy to say this but the vaunted space shuttle did not excite nor inspire me in near the same manner as did Apollo.


    Thanks for that link Paul. Very interesting stuff.




    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Brad Morris
    Sent: June-07-16 2:34 PM
    To: enoid@northwestel.net
    Subject: [NavList] Re: Neat video about LEM stellar alignment scope


    I liked that video!  Nicely explained and the graphics were simple to follow. 

    The Archimedean Spiral was a neat trick.  A trick that I was unaware that they used.  So I learned something today! 

    Thanks Paul!


    On Jun 7, 2016 2:20 PM, "Paul Saffo" <NoReply_PaulSaffo@fer3.com> wrote:

    This is a nice video about the Apollo LEM alignment telescope that was designed with some clever work-arounds as a lightweight substitute for a more conventional sextant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVCNS2jQQ6g    -p

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