A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Greg Rudzinski
Date: 2014 Jan 12, 12:47 -0800
Pub 208 divides the celestial triangle into two right triangles. Summing two of the triangle sides will get you Hc. The black box effect comes from the combining of several trig log steps to streamline the reduction. The only trouble I've had is when to add or subtract declination from table 1. degree and minutes look-up which is dependent on the local hour angle. The azimuth is dependent on whether the observed body is passed the prime vertical. I don't use the table to solve for azimuth. Azimuth is more quickly solved using a Rust diagram, Ix diagram, slide rule, or a direct compass bearing.
Post your problem reduction and lets see what's happening.
Greg Rudzinski
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