A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David C
Date: 2024 Mar 6, 21:59 -0800
" A Guide Book to the Local Marine Board Exmination - Ordinary Examination" published in 1856 has a lengthy chapter called Simple Rules of Arithmetic. It is very basic stuff. The "-" operand is introduced as a subtraction operation. It is not (as far as I can tell - I scanned the pages quickly) used to define negative numbers.
However...... the chapter on logarithms states that numbers less than zero are negative numbers. The negative sign "-" is defined. Bar notation is introduced and the difference between bar2.678 and -2.678 is clearly explained - I understand it! Tabular notation is introduced to avoid the "confusion that might arise in the additon and subtraction of negative numbers."
A second mate had to be 17 years of age (went to sea at 13?), have been at sea for four years, understand the first five rules of arithmetic and understand the use of logarithms. In 1856 it is probable that second mates had heard of negative numbers but if they undertood them or used them is another matter. When using "simple arithmetic" he did not need negative numbers because N, S, E, W, Same, Different could be used instead.
Rule 1 To write in figures a number expressed in words.
Rule II To expressin words the number denoteed by a line of figures.
Rule III Addition
Rule lV Subtraction
Rule V Multiplication multiplier < 12 why????
Rule Vl multiplication multiplier > 12
David C